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Session control with SSM


OpenTV Video Platform uses the Secure Session Management (SSM) service, part of NAGRAVISION's Security Services Platform (SSP), to limit the number of concurrent streams consumed by client apps.

Optionally, you can also define groups of channels and define a session limit for each channel group.

A client app attempts to set up a session for each new playback session, and SSM enforces this limit. While playing content, the app must send keep-alive requests at regular intervals. If it fails to do so, SSM will end the session and playback will stop.

After playback, the app must tear down the session. This allows SSM to decrement the session count.

The following client use cases are supported:

To integrate against SSM, you will need to refer to the SSM API documentation. This is part of the SSP portal – to get access, please contact your NAGRAVISION representative.


If you are using CONNECT Player, use its built-in methods for working with SSM. See:

See also

Managing playback sessions in the Subscriber Management Integration Guide

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