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Technical versions

Technical versions are created outside OpCon but can be edited or deleted.

Viewing Technical versions

To view the Technical version details:

  1. Display the content item in View mode, and select the Technical tab.

  2. Select View Technical Version from the  menu

Editing Technical versions

To edit the Technical version details:

  1. Display the content item in View mode, and select the Technical tab.

  2. Select Edit Technical Version from the  menu and update the relevant details.

  3. Click the SAVE CHANGES button.

Technical Version TitleEnter a title for the Technical version
Valid FromEnter or select the date to make the Technical version available
Valid ToEnter or select the date to withdraw the Technical version
DurationEnter the duration of the content item.
DRM IDEnter the ID used for authentication and authorization purposes (optional).
DRM Device IDEnter the ID of the security device (optional), required in VOS360, AWS and PES integrations.

Content Delivery Network

CDN TypeSelect the Content Delivery Network used for that channel/content.
URLEnter the URL for the stream
Technical TypesSelect the properties for the Technical channel.
Download to GoEnable or disable offline playback for applicable devices 
QuickmarkSelect if QuickMark is required. See QuickMark.

Custom fields

Locale-specific and Non-Locale fields may also be displayed.

Deleting Technical versions

To edit the Technical version details:

  1. Display the content item in View mode, and select the Technical tab.

  2. Select Delete Technical Version from the  menu.

  3. A confirmation message is displayed; click the DELETE button and then the SAVE CHANGES button.

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