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Transactional VOD (TVOD)

Transactional Video on Demand (TVOD) enables consumers to purchase individual pay per view content items, either permanently or on a time-limited basis.

To view the TVOD page, select PRODUCTS from the top menu and tvod.png TVOD in the left panel.

Viewing TVOD products

To view the details of a TVOD product, select the required product and click Details .

To view the content items in a TVOD product, select the required product and click Content

You can reduce the search results using the Filter field, or by selecting Single Items or Collections.

Editing TVOD product details

Use this to edit the details of a TVOD product.

  1. Select the TVOD product and click Details .

  2. In the right-panel, click EDIT .

  3. Referring to the Product details below, enter and select the required information.

  4. Update the custom details as required.

  5. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the changes.

Product details




Enter a name for the TVOD product.


Enter a title for the TVOD product.


Enter a description for the TVOD product.


Select the required currency for the TVOD product.


Enter the sale price for the TVOD product.

Product Validity 

Enter or select the dates when the TVOD product will be available.

Consumption Window

Select the latest time after purchase that the first playback can be made.

Rental Duration

Select the time that the content can be viewed following the first playback.

Download to Go

Select whether subscribers can download items to applicable devices.


If Freemium is enabled, enter or select the dates and duration when the content will be available to view free.

Technical Types

Select the technical types applicable to the TVOD product.

Device Class

Select the device types for the TVOD product.

Creating TVOD products

Use this to create a new TVOD product.

  1. On the TVOD page, click CREATE .

  2. Select whether the TVOD product is to be a Single item or Collection:

    • If you select Collection, an end user that purchases the product is entitled to consume any of the contents that have been added to the product.

    • If you select Single, each content that is added to the product (also referred to as a shared product) will be available to purchase or rent according to the price and other terms that are defined for the product.
      This makes it much easier to manage your VOD catalogue, as you can set and change the price in one place (on the product) and it will automatically be applied to all the contents that belong to the product.
      (The alternative would be to have a separate product for each content item. In this case, to change the price would mean updating each such product separately.)

      • If you want to price a content item individually, select Single and only add the single content item to the product (and no others).

      • If you want to assign the same price to multiple content items, select Single and add all the relevant content items to this product.

  3. Referring to the Product details above, enter and select the required information.

  4. Enter any custom details as required.

  5. Click the CREATE PRODUCT button to save the details.

The TVOD product should now be available for content items to be added to it.

An individual content item can be made available for purchase:

  • On its own, priced individually for purchase or renting

  • As part of a collection, where the price is set on the collection as a whole. When a customer purchases the collection, they get access to all of the items in the collection.

  • As part of a shared product, where the price is set only on the shared product. Each item that belongs to the shared product is available for purchase on its own, at the price that is set on the shared product.

An individual content item may be:

  • Priced and sold individually and also available as part of a collection.

  • Priced as part of a shared product and also available as part of a collection.

However, it may not be both priced and sold individually and priced as part of of a shared product.

Note that you are responsible for ensuring that items are not priced both individually and as part of a shared product. OpenTV Video Platform does not validate or enforce this.

Adding and removing content items

Adding content items

Use this to add content items to a TVOD product. For further details, see Adding and removing items.

  1. Select the TVOD product and click Content .

  2. In the right-panel, click  MANAGE CONTENT .

  3. In the left-panel, locate the required content items and click the relevant Add

     To add all the content items to the product, click ADD ALL .

  4. Click the SAVE CHANGES  button to save the changes.

Removing content items

Use this to remove content items from a TVOD product. For further details, see Adding and removing items.

  1. Select the TVOD product and click Content .

  2. In the right-panel, click MANAGE CONTENT .

  3. In the right-panel, locate the unwanted content items and click the relevant Remove

     icons. To remove all the content items from the product, click REMOVE ALL .

  4. Click the SAVE CHANGES button to save the changes.

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