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Update a product


To update a product, send a PUT request to:


The payload should contain the details of the product that are to be updated.

Mandatory fields

  • type – must be set to the original value when it was created


A request with this payload updates the name of the specified product:

    "type": "transactional",
    "nominalPrice": {
        "amount": 50,
        "currency": "EUR"


A successful request returns an HTTP 202 status and a link to the updated product.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.


A successful request returns a payload that looks like this:

    "self": "/commercial/v1/products/PROVIDER_ID_001_PROVIDER_RESOURCE_ID_001"

See also

For full details of this API, see Content and Product Manager (CPM) API documentation: commercial v1.

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