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400 - Bad Request

HTTP Response Code 400 - Bad Request


APILog MessageReason
PUT /geoblocking/allowedcountry/

The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Json Body parameters:code is not matching the expected pattern
  • Json Body parameters:code is not unique
PUT /geoblocking/blockvpn/

The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Json Body parameters:blockVPN is not matching the expected pattern
PUT /geoblocking/countrylist/

The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Json Body parameters:code is not matching the expected pattern
  • Json Body parameters:code is not unique
PUT /metadata/locales/

The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Json Body parameters:code/displayPriority is not matching the expected pattern
  • Json Body parameters:id/code/displayPriority is not unique
PUT /parentalRatings/

The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Json Body parameters:countryCode/locale/displayPriorities are not matching the expected pattern
  • Json Body parameters:name/shortName/code is not unique


APILog MessageReason
DELETE /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header/query parameters missing
POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/

POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing
POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Multiple reasons:
  • When device id in the uri argument doesn't match with device id embedded in the body parameter
  • Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/

Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing


APILog MessageReason
DELETE /client/users/{id}
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id}
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas/playlists
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
DELETE /operator/users
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
DELETE /operator/users/{id}
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
GET /operator/castCrewPersonas
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason: Invalid query parameters
GET /operator/users
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax
Reason:Invalid query parameters
PUT /client/users/{id}
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • User id in the uri argument not matching the id in body parameter
PUT /operator/castCrewPersonas
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Body contains duplicate values:id
PUT /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id}
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Person id in the uri argument not matching the id in body parameter
PUT /operator/users
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • Body contains duplicate values:id
PUT /operator/users/{id}
The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • User id in the uri argument not matching the id in body parameter


APILog MessageReason
POST /cds/v1/profilesprofileName-may not be nullOperator tries to create content discovery profile without profile name


APILog MessageReason
GET /mib/v1/topics
Invalid query parameters
PUT /mib/v1/topics/{topicName}/devices
Multiple Reasons:
  • Mandatory Json body parameters are missing
  • TopicName in the uri argument not matching the topicName in body parameter
PUT /mib/v1/devices/{deviceType}/

Multiple reasons:
  • When device id in the uri argument doesn't match with device id embedded in the body parameter
  • Mandatory uri argument/json body parameters missing


APILog MessageReason
GET /ihs/v1/contents/<contentId>Invalid categoryCall GET api with invalid category in url
GET /ihs/v1/metadata/default?limit=-4Only positive values are supported for the limit
paging parameter!
Call GET api to retrieve all the image metadata with limit parameter as negative value
GET /ihs/v1/metadata/default?limit=4.21Invalid limit paging parameter!Call GET api to retrieve all the image metadata with limit parameter as floating value
GET /ihs/v1/metadata/default?limit=ihsinvalid query parameterCall GET api to retrieve all the image metadata with limit parameter as string value
GET /ihs/v1/persons/<personId>External Id is invalidCall GET api to fetch the person image to find the closest match when status is inactive
GET /ihs/v1/persons/GNtms994?width=1080&height=
920&category=Cast Invld&text=no
Invalid categoryCall GET api with invalid category in url
GET /ihs/v1/programs/<programId>Error in cacheImageResponseCall GET api for a set of image resource where no image uri is present in gracenote
GET /ihs/v1/programs/<programId>Image not foundCall GET API with no tmsId present in the CPM response in this case I will not get default image
POST /ihs/v1/metadata/default/src/test/
image is already uploaded -postapi002.jpgCall POST api for a set of default image resources with valid request payload twice
POST /ihs/v1/metadata/default/src/test/
name, height, width is mandatoryCall POST api for a set of default image resources with missing image name
PUT /ihs/v1/metadata
Call PUT api for a set of default image resources without giving height/weight
PUT /ihs/v1/metadata
Call PUT api for a set of image resources with request payload without imageId field/resourceId field/
resourceType field/externalSource field


APILog MessageReason
DELETE /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncode job is runningDelete particular editorial content when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
DELETE /mas/v1/editorialContentsNo purge job to delete the contentsDelete particular editorial content when there is only encoding job in 'done' status,
DELETE /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncode job is runningDelete particular technical content when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
DELETE /mas/v1/technicalContentsNo purge job to delete the contentsDelete particular technical content when there is only encoding job in 'done' status,
PUT /mas/v1/channelEventsEvent <event1> and <event2> are overlapping with each otherAadd overlapping events to a channel
PUT /mas/v1/contentGroupscontentGroupSet[0].metadataSet[0].locale-may not be nullCall put api without locale field under metadata set
PUT /mas/v1/editorialChannelseditorialChannelsSet[0].metadataSet[0].locale-may not be nullCall put api without locale field under metadata set
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'referenceAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'referenceAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'referenceAssetSet.uri' when encoding job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'referenceAssetSet.uri' when encoding job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'referenceAssetSet.uri' when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsPurge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContentsPurge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing editorial content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/eventsCannot construct instance of
operator.model.PutCastCrewPersonaType PutCastCrewPersona[type]
Call event put api with invalid person type
PUT /mas/v1/eventsdateOfBirth should be yyyy-mm-dd formatCall event put api with invalid dob format under persons
PUT /mas/v1/eventseventsSet[0].metadataSet[0].locale-may not be nullCall event put api without locale field under metadata set
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'playableAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job with 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'playableAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job with 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'playableAsset.uri' when encoding job with 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'playableAsset.uri' when encoding job with 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'profileIdSet' when encoding job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'profileIdSet' when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'securityInfo' when encoding job with 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'securityInfo' when encoding job with 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsEncoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing technical content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'inProgress' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsPurge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'done' status
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContentsPurge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDsUpdate existing content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'inProgress' status


APILog MessageReason
POST /opendevice/{deviceId}/queue
When device id in the uri argument does not match with device id embedded in the header token
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.