400 - Bad Request
HTTP Response Code 400 - Bad Request
API | Log Message | Reason |
PUT /geoblocking/allowedcountry/ {version} | The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
| |
PUT /geoblocking/blockvpn/ {version} | The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
| |
PUT /geoblocking/countrylist/ {version} | The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
| |
PUT /metadata/locales/ {version} | The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
| |
PUT /parentalRatings/ {version} | The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax. Multiple reasons:
API | Log Message | Reason |
DELETE /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/entitlements | Mandatory uri argument/header/query parameters missing | |
POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/entitlements | ||
POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/mail | Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing | |
POST /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/message | Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing | |
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/chipsets/{chipsetNum}/pair | Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing | |
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/chipsets/{chipsetNum}/unpair | Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing | |
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/entitlements | Multiple reasons:
| |
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/pin | Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing | |
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/pin/{pinNum} | Mandatory uri argument/header parameters missing | |
PUT /{casInstanceName}/devices/ {deviceId}/recovery | Mandatory uri argument/header/json body parameters missing |
API | Log Message | Reason |
DELETE /client/users/{id} | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing | |
DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing | |
DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id} | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing | |
DELETE /operator/castCrewPersonas/playlists | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing | |
DELETE /operator/users | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing | |
DELETE /operator/users/{id} | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Mandatory Json body parameters are missing | |
GET /operator/castCrewPersonas | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason: Invalid query parameters | |
GET /operator/users | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax Reason:Invalid query parameters | |
PUT /client/users/{id} | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
| |
PUT /operator/castCrewPersonas | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
| |
PUT /operator/castCrewPersonas/{id} | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
| |
PUT /operator/users | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
| |
PUT /operator/users/{id} | The server cannot or will not process the request due to malformed request syntax. Multiple Reasons:
API | Log Message | Reason |
POST /cds/v1/profiles | profileName-may not be null | Operator tries to create content discovery profile without profile name |
API | Log Message | Reason |
GET /mib/v1/topics | Invalid query parameters | |
PUT /mib/v1/topics/{topicName}/devices | Multiple Reasons:
| |
PUT /mib/v1/devices/{deviceType}/ {deviceId} | Multiple reasons:
API | Log Message | Reason |
GET /ihs/v1/contents/<contentId> | Invalid category | Call GET api with invalid category in url |
GET /ihs/v1/metadata/default?limit=-4 | Only positive values are supported for the limit paging parameter! | Call GET api to retrieve all the image metadata with limit parameter as negative value |
GET /ihs/v1/metadata/default?limit=4.21 | Invalid limit paging parameter! | Call GET api to retrieve all the image metadata with limit parameter as floating value |
GET /ihs/v1/metadata/default?limit=ihs | invalid query parameter | Call GET api to retrieve all the image metadata with limit parameter as string value |
GET /ihs/v1/persons/<personId> | External Id is invalid | Call GET api to fetch the person image to find the closest match when status is inactive |
GET /ihs/v1/persons/GNtms994?width=1080&height= 920&category=Cast Invld&text=no | Invalid category | Call GET api with invalid category in url |
GET /ihs/v1/programs/<programId> | Error in cacheImageResponse | Call GET api for a set of image resource where no image uri is present in gracenote |
GET /ihs/v1/programs/<programId> | Image not found | Call GET API with no tmsId present in the CPM response in this case I will not get default image |
POST /ihs/v1/metadata/default/src/test/ resources/defaultImages/defaultImage002.jpg | image is already uploaded -postapi002.jpg | Call POST api for a set of default image resources with valid request payload twice |
POST /ihs/v1/metadata/default/src/test/ resources/defaultImages/defaultImage005.jpg | name, height, width is mandatory | Call POST api for a set of default image resources with missing image name |
PUT /ihs/v1/metadata | Call PUT api for a set of default image resources without giving height/weight | |
PUT /ihs/v1/metadata | Call PUT api for a set of image resources with request payload without imageId field/resourceId field/ resourceType field/externalSource field |
API | Log Message | Reason |
DELETE /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encode job is running | Delete particular editorial content when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
DELETE /mas/v1/editorialContents | No purge job to delete the contents | Delete particular editorial content when there is only encoding job in 'done' status, |
DELETE /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encode job is running | Delete particular technical content when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
DELETE /mas/v1/technicalContents | No purge job to delete the contents | Delete particular technical content when there is only encoding job in 'done' status, |
PUT /mas/v1/channelEvents | Event <event1> and <event2> are overlapping with each other | Aadd overlapping events to a channel |
PUT /mas/v1/contentGroups | contentGroupSet[0].metadataSet[0].locale-may not be null | Call put api without locale field under metadata set |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialChannels | editorialChannelsSet[0].metadataSet[0].locale-may not be null | Call put api without locale field under metadata set |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'referenceAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'referenceAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'referenceAssetSet.uri' when encoding job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'referenceAssetSet.uri' when encoding job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'referenceAssetSet.uri' when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Purge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/editorialContents | Purge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing editorial content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/events | Cannot construct instance of com.nagra.ccp.api.rest.v1. operator.model.PutCastCrewPersonaType PutCastCrewPersona[type] | Call event put api with invalid person type |
PUT /mas/v1/events | dateOfBirth should be yyyy-mm-dd format | Call event put api with invalid dob format under persons |
PUT /mas/v1/events | eventsSet[0].metadataSet[0].locale-may not be null | Call event put api without locale field under metadata set |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'playableAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job with 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'playableAsset.assetDeviceLocation' when encoding job with 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'playableAsset.uri' when encoding job with 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'playableAsset.uri' when encoding job with 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'profileIdSet' when encoding job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'profileIdSet' when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'securityInfo' when encoding job with 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'securityInfo' when encoding job with 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Encoding Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing technical content with 'start' date when encoding job in 'inProgress' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Purge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'done' status |
PUT /mas/v1/technicalContents | Purge Jobs Running/Completed for ContentIDs | Update existing content with 'end' validity when purge job in 'inProgress' status |
API | Log Message | Reason |
POST /opendevice/{deviceId}/queue | When device id in the uri argument does not match with device id embedded in the header token |