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Editorial-based data model migration guide


In the 20.51 (2020 Q4) release, OpenTV Platform introduced a new, editorial-based data model that is easier to use and understand. Its main advantage is that it allows you to directly associate editorial content with products, rather than technical content as was the case previously.

New deployments will use the new model. Existing deployments that are being upgraded can still use the older, technical-based model, but are encouraged to switch to the new model, as it has a number of advantages:

  • Easier to understand
  • Makes defining products easier
  • Reduces duplication of information

Migration steps

This guide explains what you need to do to prepare for the migration from the old, technical-based model to the new, editorial-based one. (The transformation of the existing data in the Platform will be performed by NAGRA, but there are a number of other areas that must be addressed.)

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