Integrating with your account and authentication services
OpenTV Video Platform supports integration with an operator's account and authentication services. This avoids the problem of users needing separate credentials for OpenTV Video Platform and for the operator's other systems (e.g., web portal).
This section explains how a client application integrates with these services.
The client requests described here are generic. However, some integration and configuration work will be required, depending on the authentication provider used.
The Authentication Gateway Service (AGS) uses a plugin mechanism that allows NAGRA to easily adapt it to the specific requirements of each customer's account and authentication systems.
Please contact your NAGRA representative for more information.
The following must be in place before enabling this feature:
The authentication service(s) must already be in place.
The authentication service(s) must be synced with OPF. That is, there must already be at least one account in OPF for each account in the SSO service. (A user can have multiple accounts in the operator's back-end services and each should be linked to an OPF account.)
Sign-on flow
The sign-on flow consists of the following main steps:
Signing in with SSO. This can result in one of two successful outcomes:
Only one matching OPF account is found. The application is signed on with this account.
Multiple matching OPF accounts are found. In this case, the application must:
Prompt the user to select the account to use.