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Create a new product

The Product Management app enables you to create products in a way that ensures data consistency and synchronisation between OPF and SSP, and that the two systems are linked together in a standardised way.

This document provides information to help you understand the configuration options available when creating a product, and the effects of your choices at each stage of the process.

Before you start

To create a product more quickly and efficiently, it’s useful to gather all of the information required and have it ready before you start.

Check the information requirements in the table in this document. Depending on your selections as you move through each stage, you will need to enter some (or all) of this information to successfully complete the product creation process.

Create a new product

To create a new product:

  1. Select Product Management.

  2. Click the Create Product button.

Use the wizard to guide you through the process. Any validation errors will be flagged up.

1. Core Information

This page enables you to add the core information for your product.

Use the information in this table to help you complete the fields.

The fields that you need to complete depend on the product type that you select.





Defines the intended ways that the product will be distributed to end users.

The three options are:

The information required during product creation depends on the distribution method that you select.


An OTT (“over the top”) product is streamed directly over the internet, bypassing traditional distribution methods such as cable or satellite TV.


A broadcast product is distributed to end users via methods such as cable or satellite TV.


A hybrid product is a combination of an OTT product and a broadcast product. Content can be streamed over the internet, as well as distributed via methods such as cable or satellite TV.

Product Type

Defines the way in which products are made available for purchase and consumption.

Transactional products are available for purchase and consumption on a transactional basis.

Subscription products are available for purchase and consumption on a recurring subscription basis.

Capability products are available for purchase and consumption by multiple users with a defined capability.

Pay-Per-View products are available for purchase and consumption on a one-time basis.


Set ID
Set a custom ID for the product.

Use Provider ID and Resource ID combination
Use a combination of provider ID and resource ID as the product ID.

Provider ID
The ID of the metadata provider who provides the metadata for the product.

Only required when Use Provider ID and Resource ID combination is selected.

Resource ID
The ID of the product in the external system of the selected provider.

Only required when Use Provider ID and Resource ID combination is selected.

Capability Type

Capability Type
The type of capability.

Access Duration
The amount of time for which the capability is available to the user after purchase.

Product Definition Type

Defines how content associated with the product can be purchased by users.

Product Definition Type information is only requested when the Product Type is set to Transactional.

Allows users to purchase or rent an individual content that is associated with the product.

The shared option enables you to set a single price for multiple contents in one place that can be sold individually. Choose this option if you want to set multiple contents to the same price.

Allows users to purchase or rent any content that is associated with the product.

The exclusive option enables you to set a single price for access to all contents that have been added to the product.


The (human-readable) name for the product.


Description of the product.

Product Validity

Valid From
The start date/time for the product.

The date/time when the product becomes active and valid for consumption by the end user.

Valid To
The end date/time for the product.

The date/time when the product becomes inactive and can no longer be consumed by the end user.

Purchase Validity

Purchase From
The date/time from which the product can be purchased.

Purchase To
The date/time until which the product can be purchased.

Product Features

Defines the technical type of the product.

Possible technical types include HLS, DASH, HD, DOLBY, 4K, NPVR, etc.

2. Review

When you have completed the required details:

  1. Click the Next button to continue.

  2. Review the product.

  3. If you want to proceed, click the Create button to complete the product creation process.

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