Creating, editing and deleting layouts
Within a template, you can have multiple layouts. Only one (the default layout) can be active at any time.
This means that you can switch between layouts to display different content at different times. For example, if you have a sports template, you could switch to a layout that emphasises Premier League football on Saturdays, with a more general layout for use on other days.
Default layout
Setting the default layout
You will need to set one layout for each template as the default. If you do not, the template will not be active and will not be returned to clients making requests.
To set a layout as the default:
Select the template in the Templates (left) pane.
In the tile for the layout that you want to set as the default, click
and then click
Set as Default.
In the confirmation dialog that is displayed, click Continue to save the layout.
Creating layouts
When you create a template, the first layout is created automatically. It will contain the settings made in the template, which can be changed if required (see Editing layouts below).
To create additional layouts:
Select the template in the Templates (left) pane.
In the Tools panel on the right, click
Create Layout (or just
if the panel is collapsed).
and select the locale for the layout.
Give the layout a name and a title.
Under Destination Selection, leave All Devices selected.
Under Default Rail Image Orientation, select the image orientation.
Use Additional Properties to add any additional properties that are required for the layout.
These enable you to apply additional formatting to templates per your organisation's requirements.
Note: these key/value pairs are created by the operator and are not controlled by NAGRAVISION.
Click Create Layout >.
In the confirmation dialog that is displayed, click Continue to save the layout.
Duplicating layouts
To duplicate a layout:
Select the template in the Templates (left) pane.
In the tile for the layout that you want to duplicate, click
and then click
Duplicate Layout.
The duplicated layout is opened for editing. Make any required changes, then click Create Layout >.
In the confirmation dialog that is displayed, click Continue to save the layout.
Editing layouts
To edit a layout (that is, edit the properties of the layout, not its contents):
Select the template in the Templates (left) pane.
In the tile for the layout that you want to edit, click
and then click
Edit Layout Properties.
Click Edit Layout >.
Make any required changes, then click Save Layout >.
In the confirmation dialog that is displayed, click Continue to save the layout.
Click < Back to layouts to go back to the template.
Deleting layouts
To delete a layout:
Select the template in the Templates (left) pane.
In the tile for the layout that you want to delete, click
and then click
Delete Layout.