delete elements (technical-based)
The elements listed below are listed in the order that they should be deleted. For more information, see Deleting content.
| Mandatory for ingest, optional or not used for ION |
| Mandatory for ION, optional for ingest |
| Mandatory for both ingest and ION |
| Optional for ingest and optional or not used for ION |
cmsData - deleteProductLink
Elements | Fields/attributes | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteProductLink |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a productLink. The product reference and marketable reference must be specified. |
productRef |
| Mandatory |
| Defines reference to the linked product. To delete productRef the providerId and providerResourceId associated with the productLink must be specified. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for product. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | prod_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for product. |
marketableRef |
| Defines the reference to the linked marketable to which a product is linked. Allowed values are: technicalChannel, node, contentPublishingWindow. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for product. |
| providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | prod_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for product. |
| type | Defines the element to delete a referenceAsset | Mandatory | contentPublishingWindow | enumeration characterising a product type. |
cmsData - deleteProduct
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteProduct |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a product |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for product |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | prod_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for product |
cmsData - deleteContentPublishingWindow
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteContentPublishingWindow |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a contentPublishingWindow. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for contentPublishingWindow. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | cpw_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for contentPublishingWindow. |
cmsData - deleteNode
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteNode |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a node. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for node. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | node_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for node. |
cmsData - deletePlayableAsset
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deletePlayableAsset |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a playableAsset. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for a playableAsset. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | pla_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for a playableAsset. |
cmsData - deleteSecurityInfo
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteSecurityInfo |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a securityInfo. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for securityInfo. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | scrui_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for a securityInfo. |
cmsData - deleteParentalRating
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteParentalRating |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a parentalRating. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for parentalRating. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | pRating_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for a parental rating. |
| ratingBodyName | string | Mandatory | Australian Classification Board | Friendly name of the ratings body, unique across all ratings bodies in the system. |
| type | string | Mandatory | channel | enum type to identify parental rating entity type (e.g. content, event or channel). |
cmsData - deleteReferenceAsset
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteReferenceAsset |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a referenceAsset. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for reference asset. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | refAsset_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for reference asset. |
| type | string | Mandatory | HD | Generic keyword to identify the type of supplementary asset (e.g. HD or SD). |
cmsData - deleteTechnicalContent
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteTechnicalContent |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a technicalContent. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for technicalContent. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | techContent_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for technicalContent. |
cmsData - deleteTechnicalChannel
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteTechnicalChannel |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a technicalChannel. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for technicalChannel. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | techCh_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for technicalChannel. |
cmsData - deleteEditorialChannel
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteTechnicalChannel |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete an editorialChannel. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for technicalChannel. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | edCh_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for technicalChannel. |
cmsData - deleteEditorialContent
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteTechnicalContent |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete an editorialContent. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for technicalContent. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | edCont_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for technicalContent. |
cmsData - deleteContentGroup
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteContentGroup |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a contentGroup. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for a contentGroup. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | edCont_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for a contentGroup. |
cmsData - deleteContentGroupLink
Elements | Type | Required | Sample data | Description |
cmsData |
deleteContentGroupLink |
| Optional |
| Defines the element to delete a contentGroupLink. |
providerId | string | Mandatory | plurimedia | Unique identification of the content provider for a contentGroupLink. |
providerResourceId | string | Mandatory | edCont_12345 | Unique resource identification of a specific content provider for a contentGroupLink. |