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Delete or unpublish a product

Delete a product

There are different ways to delete a product, depending on which page you are on within the Product Management app.

Delete a product via list view

To delete a product via the product list view:

  1. Open the Product Management app to view the product list.

  2. Select the Trashcan image-20241004-153712.png icon on the right of the product item.

  3. Click the Delete Product button on the confirmation popup.


Delete a product via details view

To delete a product via the product details pages:

  1. Select Actions from the sidebar menu.

  2. Click the Delete Product button.

  3. Click the Delete Product button on the confirmation popup.


Unpublish a product

To unpublish a product via the product details pages:

  1. Open the Product Management app to view the product list.

  2. Select the relevant product to view its details.

  3. Select Actions from the sidebar menu.

  4. Click the Unpublish Product button.

  5. Click the Unpublish Product button on the confirmation popup.


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