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Deleting an existing user profile


To delete an existing user profile, send a DELETE request to:


The request will fail if:

  • The user profile that is in use is a child profile. A profile can only be deleted by a non-child user.
    If the client makes this request while a child profile is in use, the request will fail.

  • The user profile that is in use is the default profile.

Some stuff


  • nv-authorizations– request authentication token

  • x-correlation-id – identifier for logging, to correlate messages across a call flow

Mandatory arguments

  • profileId – the ID of the profile to be deleted (in URL)

Optional arguments



A successful request returns an HTTP 201 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request return an HTTP 401 status.

A forbidden request returns an HTTP 403 status.

An invalid request returns an HTTP 404 status.


A successful request returns a payload that looks like this:

  "matchedCount": 1,
  "deletedCount": 1

See also

User Profiles Service (UPS) API documentation

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