Managing devices
OpenTV Video Platform allows you to define limits for:
Number of devices per account:
The total number of devices per account
The number of devices in each defined device group (for example, one limit for mobile devices and another for large-screen devices such as smart TVs)
Number of concurrent streaming sessions:
The total number of concurrent streaming sessions for the account
The number of streaming sessions for each defined device group
Number of approved devices per account:
The number of approved devices per account
(A device that is registered to an account can either be approved or not approved.)How often a change can be made to an account's approved devices list (that is, to add or remove a device from the list)
These limits are defined in the following places:
Total devices, total concurrent sessions, and approved device limits are defined in an account profile, which means you can have different limits for different groups of users.
See Account profiles for details of setting these limits in OpCon and Accounts for details of applying account profiles to accounts.Device group limits and device group session limits are defined globally and apply to all accounts.
See Device Management for details of setting these limits in OpCon.
Approved device limits are disabled by default. To enable them, contact your NAGRAVISION representative.
Use cases
This following sections explain:
OTT devices running ION are automatically added the first time they sign on. However, for integration and testing purposes, you can use the device utility API to add devices manually.
See also
Device limits (Client integration guide)
Device Management (OpCon documentation)
Account profiles (OpCon documentation)