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Migration guide for MediaLive customers


This guide provides information for customers who are migrating from MediaLive to OpenTV Video Platform (OPF).

It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to every detail of such a migration, but to provide some important information that is useful to know.

Every migration project is different and will require some degree of custom integration work.

The following information is not intended to replace such work. Please discuss your requirements with your NAGRAVISION representative.

Client impacts

NAGRAVISION has created facades that convert client calls from MediaLive calls to OpenTV Video Platform (OPF) calls. These are transparent to the client, but it is useful to understand what is happening behind the scenes (especially if newer client devices will connect directly to OpenTV Video Platform in the future).

These are explained in the following subsections.

Auth Facade

The Auth Facade enables the following MediaLive calls to be made from existing STBs to OPF with no changes required to the client:

Pair NOCS devices

Pair NOCS devices

Pairs a NAGRA On-Chip Security (NOCS) device with another NOCS device, allowing it to read content encrypted by the other device.

MediaLive request (to SDP)
GET https://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/linkedStbService/pairNocsDevices

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF request (to CAG)


Get signon tokens

Get signon tokens

Retrieve a signon token.



MediaLive request (to HDM)
GET https://<host>:<port>/api/authentication/v1/signontokens

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF requests (to IAS)
POST https://<host>:<port>/v3/token/actions/signOnByCasn
POST https://<host>:<port>/v3/token/actions/signOnBySmartCardId

There are two endpoints – one for devices that have a smartcard, and one for devices that do not have a smartcard.


Get current context

Get current context

Get information about the account, user, device, etc.



MediaLive request (to SDP)
GET https://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/contextService/getCurrentContext

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF requests (to ADM)
GET https://<host>:<port>/v1/bundled/devices/{uid}
GET https://<host>:<port>/v1/bundled/devices/casn/{caSN}

There are two endpoints – one using the device ID, one using its caSN.


Get entitlements

Get entitlements

This request gets all the entitlements for the account.

MediaLive request (to MDRMM)
GET https://<host>:<port>/client/getEntitlements

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF requests (to RMG)
GET https://<host>:<port>/rmg/v1/user/entitlements


Although Auth Facade supports this endpoint, due to the varied nature of MediaLive deployments, some customisation work will be necessary.

Update media player device name

Update media player device name

This request updates the name of a media player device.

MediaLive request
GET https://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/deviceService/updateMpName

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF requests
GET https://<server>:<port>/adm/v1​/bundled/accounts/{uid}
PUT https://<server>:<port>/adm/v1​/user​/devices​/{uid}​/name

The facade uses the bundled endpoint to get all the details for the account, including all the devices associated with it. It then filters the response by media player ID to find the device to be updated.


Update token with media player device ID

Update token with media player device ID

This request updates the signin token to include the ID of the media player device.

MediaLive request
GET http://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/signonService/updateTokenWithMediaPlayer

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF request

None. In OpenTV Video Platform (OPF3) deployments, it is not required. It is only mentioned here because it may be used by legacy STBs. Newer devices should not use it.

Sign in using username, password, and device ID

Sign in using username, password, and device ID

This request signs in using username, password, and device ID.

MediaLive request
GET http://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/signonService/signonByMpDeviceIdAndUser

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF request
POST https://<server>:<port>/ias/v3/token/actions/signOnByUserNamePassword

In this request, the facade passes in the device ID as the clientID.

Note that in OpenTV Video Platform, only account-level sign-in is supported. Separate credentials for different users that belong to the same account are not supported.


Register device and get token

Register device and get token

This request registers a device and gets a token or registers a device that is already signed in and refreshes the token.

MediaLive request
GET http://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/signonService/registerDeviceAndGetToken

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF request
POST https://<server>:<port>/ias/v3/token/actions/signOnByUserNamePassword

Note that the above endpoint is for open devices. There are separate endpoints for:

  • Smartcard-based devices

  • Non-smartcard devices

  • TVKey devices


Get set-top box by CASN

Get set-top box by caSN

This request gets a set-top box by its caSN (Conditional Access Serial Number).

MediaLive request
GET http://<host>:<port>/hue-gateway/gateway/http/js/deviceService/getDeviceByCASN

See the following sections of the MediaLive documentation:

Equivalent OPF request
GET https://<server>:<port>/adm/v1/bundled/devices/casn/{caSN}


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