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product (editorial-based)



Mandatory for ingest, optional or not used for ION

Mandatory for ION, optional for ingest

Mandatory for both ingest and ION

Optional for ingest and optional or not used for ION

cmsData - product

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS

This element defines a product to create/update.Not usedproduct
providerIdstringMandatoryGLOBALUnique identification of a parent node Mandatory
providerResourceIdstringMandatoryTVOD_LEG_WALLEC2Unique resource identification of a parent nodeMandatory
namestringMandatoryTVOD_LEG_WALLECName of the productMandatory
typeProductEnumTypeMandatorytransactionalType of the product, allowed values are subscription and transactional. Attribute is mandatory when used for creation. It cannot be updated.Mandatorytype
Allows the operator to indicate whether the resources should be published (displayed) to the end user or not.

technicalTypesstringOptionalHD;SD;DASHSupported playable asset type(s) on linking product with editorials

isFreemiumbooleanOptionalfalseWhether the product is a freemium product or not. If this is true, the freemium element should be present.


Whether the product is a shared product or not. A shared product allows you to set the price (and other terms) for all the individually purchasable VOD content items that belong to the product in a single place, that is, on the product. This saves having to define a product for each content and set the price separately on each one.

If you want to price a content item individually, set isShared to false and only add the single content item to the product (and no others).

If you want to assign the same price to multiple content items, set isShared to true and add all the relevant content items to this product.

An individual content item can be made available for purchase:

  • On its own, priced individually for purchase or renting

  • As part of a collection, where the price is set on the collection as a whole. When a customer purchases the collection, they get access to all of the items in the collection.

  • As part of a shared product, where the price is set only on the shared product. Each item that belongs to the shared product is available for purchase on its own, at the price that is set on the shared product.

An individual content item may be:

  • Priced and sold individually and also available as part of a collection.

  • Priced as part of a shared product and also available as part of a collection.

However, it may not be both priced and sold individually and priced as part of of a shared product.

Note that you are responsible for ensuring that items are not priced both individually and as part of a shared product. OpenTV Video Platform does not validate or enforce this.

cmsData - product - metadataSet

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS



Metadata editorial  The different allowed metadata and their definitions must be defined outside of the scheme.Not usedEpgDescription

Mandatoryen_GBLanguage/country code in which the metadata set is written. It must conform to ISO-639 and ISO 3166-1.
If the metadata set is not localised, the locale must be set to "none".
Metadata valueMandatoryEpgElement
key="TitleForProduct"stringOptionalWALL-ETitle for productMandatoryprivateMetadata
RatingNot used
key="CMS4ProductType"stringOptionalsingleSpecifies whether it is a CMS4ProductType or not.Not used

cmsData - product - period

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionION


Specifies the start and end date of the product.Not used
startgmtdatetimeMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZStart date of the productMandatory
endgmtdatetimeMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZEnd date of the productMandatory

cmsData - product - nominalPrice

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS



The nominal price of the product including a currency and an amount of money expressed in that currency. The nominal price is optional, but if present both currency and amount are required.Mandatoryprice
amountdecimalMandatory100The base amount of money to pay to get access to the content sold by this productMandatoryvalue
currencystringMandatoryEURThe currency in which the price is defined for this product. It is a free string but it is recommended to use the ISO 4217 currency code.Mandatorycurrency

cmsData - product - freemium

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS



The nominal price of the product including a currency and an amount of money expressed in that currency. The nominal price is optional, but if present both currency and amount are required.

startstringMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZThe start of the period of time from which the product can be used for free. ISO 8601 format up to the second and using the "Z" GMT time zone indicator.

endstringMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZThe end of the period of time from which the product can be used for free. ISO 8601 format up to the second and using the "Z" GMT time zone indicator.

validityPerioddurationMandatoryP3WThe duration of the free period. The format is based on ISO 8601 with restricted allowed pattern: PnY, PnM, PnW, or PnD (but not a mix). Must be positive.

cmsData - product - purchasablePeriod

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS


The period of time during which the product can be purchased by the end user. If the purchase period is not provided, the system will assume the product can be purchased without a time restriction. If the purchase start is not provided, the system will assume the product can be purchased without a start time restriction. If the purchase end is not provided, the system will assume the product can be purchased without an end time restriction.Not used
startgmtdatetimeMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZStart date of the product purchaseMandatorystartPurchase, price.startPurchase
endgmtdatetimeMandatory2018-11-20T13:12:27ZEnd date of the product purchaseMandatoryendPurchase, price.endPurchase

cmsData - product - rights

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS



The rights that could apply to consume this offerNot used
impulsivebooleanMandatorytrueIf true, the product can be purchased by the end user through the client application or can be entitled by the operator. If false, the product can only be entitled by the operator. If the value is not provided, every system will assume the value as false.Optionalimpulsive
rentalDurationdurationMandatoryPT5400SThe amount of time during which the content sold by this product can be accessed after the start of the licence (the start can be at purchase time in absolute mode or at first viewing time in relative mode). This applies only for transactional products. The format is based on ISO 8601 with restricted allowed pattern: PnDTnHnMnS. Must be positive.OptionalrentalDuration
consumptionWindowdurationMandatoryP3Y6M4DT12H30M5SThe amount of time after purchase during which initial access to the content sold by this product can be attempted, then the rentalDuration applies. When set, this indicates Relative Mode usage rule calculations should apply. The field value indicates the range within which a relative product viewing can commence. A licence calculation agent determines the final
end time of product viewing based on rental duration and its own configuration. When this value is omitted, it means absolute mode. This applies only for transactional products. The format is based on ISO 8601 with restricted allowed pattern: PnDTnHnMnS. Must be positive.
storageAllowedBooleanOptionaltrueSpecifies whether download is permitted for the content that belongs to the product.

cmsData - product - billingModel

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS



The billing model that applies for subscription products. This element is ignored for other types.Not used
The amount of time between two billings. The format is based on ISO 8601 with restricted allowed pattern: PnY or PnM or PnD (but not a mix). Must be positive.MandatorybillingPeriod

cmsData - product - capabilityProductInfo

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS



The type and access duration for the capability product. This element is ignored for other product types.

The type of the capability (e.g., CU).

The access duration for the capability product. The format is based on ISO 8601 with restricted allowed pattern: PnY or PnM or PnD (but not a mix). Must be positive.

cmsData - product - deviceClass

ElementsFields/​attributesTypeRequiredSample dataDescriptionIONMDS




The device class of devices that the product can be consumed on. Only relevant for device-specific products (which can only be consumed on devices of the specified class).

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