Series and seasons editorial information
Different editorial information can be provided for series, seasons and content items. For details of viewing and editing the editorial information for content items, see Editing Editorial information.
To view the editorial information for a series, display the series and select View Series from the menu or click VIEW SERIES METADATA . To return to the previous screen, click VIEW SERIES GRID .
To edit the Editorial information, display the series in Edit mode, update the relevant information and click the SAVE CHANGES button.
Series locale fields
Field | Description |
Title | Enter a title for the series |
Synopsis | Enter a summary of the series |
Description | Enter a description for the series |
Genre | Enter genre(s) for the series |
Series non-locale specific fields
Field | Description |
Valid From | Enter or select the date to make the series available |
Valid To | Enter or select the date to withdraw the series |
ID | Identifier for the series. You cannot edit this field |
Name | Enter the name for the series to be displayed on a node or product |
Directors | Add or remove the director(s) of the series |
Cast | Add or remove cast members of the series |
Writers | Add or remove the writer(s) of the series |
Producers | Add or remove the producer(s) of the series |
Year | Enter the year the series was made |
Recommendable | Select whether the series should be included in recommendations from the recommendation engine |
Related Content
The Related Content panel provides more information which is not shown in the series grid view. Details are displayed regarding associated seasons, content directly attached to the series i.e. not part of a season, and any links to nodes, node links, products etc.
To view the editorial information for a season, display the season and select View Season from the menu or click VIEW SEASON METADATA . To return to the previous screen, click VIEW SEASON GRID .
To edit the Editorial information, display the season in Edit mode, update the relevant information and click the SAVE CHANGES button.
Season locale fields
Field | Description |
Title | Enter a title for the season |
Synopsis | Enter a summary of the season |
Description | Enter a description for the season |
Genre | Enter genre(s) for the season |
Season non-locale specific fields
Field | Description |
Valid From | Enter or select the date to make the season available |
Valid To | Enter or select the date to withdraw the season |
ID | Identifier for the season. You cannot edit this field |
Name | Enter the name for the season to be displayed on a node or product |
Directors | Add or remove the director(s) of the season |
Cast | Add or remove cast members of the season |
Writers | Add or remove the writer(s) of the season |
Producers | Add or remove the producer(s) of the season |
Year | Enter the year the season was made |
Season Number | Select the season number |
Recommendable | Select whether the season should be included in recommendations from the recommendation engine |
Related Content
Like the series Related Content panel, information which is not shown in the season grid view such as content attached to the season and any links to nodes, node links, products etc.