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Setting device group limits for a device profile

A device group limit lets you define a device group that includes one or more device profiles and then set a limit for the number of devices belonging to this group that can be added to an account.

For example, you could set one device group limit for an account’s small-screen devices and a second such limit for the account’s large-screen devices.

You can also set a limit on the total number of devices in an account profile. See Account profiles.

Once such a limit has been created, you must apply it to individual accounts. See Accounts.

Alternatively, you can apply it to accounts in bulk using the ADM PUT /v1/accounts endpoint. See Account and Device Manager (ADM) API documentation.

Adding a device group limit

To add a device group limit:

  1. From the OpCon homepage, click System Configuration.

  2. In the left pane, click Device Management.

  3. In the right pane, click the Device Group Limit tab.


  5. In Name, type name for the device group limit.

  6. Optionally, in Description, type a description for the limit.

  7. Select a Rotation Mechanism. This determines which device will be removed from the account to allow a new device to sign on for device groups for which auto-rotation is enabled. (See the Support Auto Rotation option below.)
    The options are as follows:

    • NONE – no device is removed. A device will have to be removed explicitly before a new device can be added.
      Note: If this is selected, Support Auto Rotation (below) will have no effect.

    • DATE_PROVISIONED – the device that was provisioned (that is, that signed on for the first time) first will be removed.

    • LEAST_RECENTLY_USED – the device that has not been used for the longest time will be removed.


  9. Under New Device Group:

    1. In Id, type an ID for the device group.

    2. Optionally, in Description, type a description for the device group.

    3. In Device Profiles, select one or more device profiles to specify the devices that the limit applies to.

    4. Optionally:

      1. Click the Support Auto Rotation switch to automatically remove a device when a new device belonging to one of the included device profiles tries to sign on. If this is enabled, the rotation mechanism selected above will be used to determine which device to remove.
        Note: If Rotation Mechanism (above) is set to NONE, enabling auto-rotation here will have no effect – devices will not be automatically rotated.

      2. Click the Ignore Device Limit switch if you want this limit to override the account-level device session limit.

    5. In Device Limit, type the limit for the number of devices (or use the plus and minus buttons).

  10. To add an additional device group, click ADD DEVICE GROUPS and repeat step 8, above.

  11. Click SAVE.

Editing a device group limit

To edit a device session limit:

  1. From the OpCon homepage, click System Configuration.

  2. In the left pane, click Device Management.

  3. In the right pane, click the Device Group Limit tab.

  4. For the limit that you want to edit, click at the right side of the row and click Edit Device Group….

  5. Make the required changes.

  6. Click SAVE.

Deleting a device session limit

To delete a device session limit:

  1. From the OpCon homepage, click System Configuration.

  2. In the left pane, click Device Management.

  3. In the right pane, click the Device Group Limit tab.

  4. For the limit that you want to edit, click menu_black.png at the right side of the row and click Delete….

  5. To confirm deletion, click DELETE.

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