Unsubscribing an account from a product – deployments with SSP
To unsubscribe an account from a product (that is, to remove an entitlement from the account), the CRM should send a PUT request to:
where uid
is the ID of the entitlement.
– identifier for logging, to correlate messages across a call flowAuthorization
– bearer token obtained in Getting an access tokennv-tenant-id
– the tenant IDContent-Type: application/json
Mandatory arguments
– the ID of the entitlement to modify (in the URL path)status
– the updated status of the entitlement. In this case, it must beUNSUBSCRIBED
Optional arguments
This endpoint supports additional arguments, but for this use case, they are not used.
A request with this payload unsubscribes the signed-in account from the product that entitlement specified in the URL relates to (that is, it unsubscribes the account from the product):
"status": "UNSUBSCRIBED"
A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.
An invalid request returns an HTTP 400 status.
If the token is invalid, the request returns an HTTP 403 status.
If the tenant is invalid, the request returns an HTTP 404 status.
"matchedCount": 1,
"modifiedCount": 1
See also
For full details of this API, see the CRM Gateway API documentation .