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Updating the airing time on multiple events


To update the airing time of multiple events, send a PUT request to:



  • Content-Type: application/json

Mandatory fields

The mandatory fields depend on the parameter(s) being updated:

  • You must also specify airingStartTime, airingEndTime, or both.

  • To update just the airing start time, you must specify the event id.

  • To update just the airing end time, you must specify both the providerId and the providerResourceId.

  • To update both airing start and end times, you can use either

    • The event id, or

    • Both the providerId and providerResourceId


A request with this payload updates the airing start and end times of the specified events:

    "eventSet": [
               "airingStartTime": "2018-02-02T11:00:00Z",     // Airing start time alone can be updated using event id.
               "id": "GLOBAL_event1"
               "airingEndTime": "2036-02-01T11:10:00Z",       // Airing end time alone can be updated using providerId and providerResourceId.
               "providerId": "GLOBAL",
               "providerResourceId": "event2"
               "airingStartTime": "2036-02-01T11:00:00Z",     // Both airing start and end time can be updated using either id or providerId and providerResourceId.
               "airingEndTime": "2036-02-01T11:10:00Z",
               "id": "GLOBAL_event3",
               "providerId": "GLOBAL",
               "providerResourceId": "event3"

Within eventSet, you can specify as many events as you need to.


A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status and a link to the event(s).

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.


A successful request returns a payload that looks like this:

    "selfSet": [
    "totalRecords": 2

Within selfSet, there is one line for each event that was updated.

See also

For full details of this API, see Content and Product Manager (CPM) API documentation: content v1.

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