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SDP reports

The SDP reports that are available are listed in the following table:

Report NameSummary
BillingShows the purchase transactions made for each account, with the billing transaction details. 
BillingByAccountGroups all the billing data for each account.
PPVBillingShows the billing data for BTV events.
Cod License Shows valid COD license data from the cod_license table.
bocLicenseCRUDServiceThis BTV Or COD License report brings data from the BOC_LICENSE table.

Shows STBs linked to JoinHomeDomain from the COR_DEVICE_STB_LINK table.

RefurbishShows STBs linked to Refurbish from the COR_DEVICE_STB_LINK table.
HouseholdShows the number of user signon requests by service provider.
PurchasesShows the types of packages that were purchased over a given period, breaking them down by price frequency categories.
Service ProviderMaps service provider IDs to their names.
BTVShows the total number of broadcast TV packages and channels that exist within the system, which were created between a given pair of dates.
On Demand Service (Assets)Shows data report COD Assets.
Account StatusDetails the number and status of accounts created in a given period.
Device StatusShows statistics about devices.
Licence StatusShows the total number of licenses created in given period.
Commercial Licensing Report on active accounts and devices.
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