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Downloading the content

As soon as the application starts an already registered download, the application is notified that the download has switched to the RUNNING state. In the RUNNING state, the downloader keeps on fetching media segments from the CDN sequentially from the first to the last. When all files of the provided assets have been successfully downloaded, the download's state changes to COMPLETED.

If a non-recoverable error is encountered, the download enters the FAILED state.

The start download operation can take place on a registered event in the PREPARED state.

Example code

The following code shows how to start the download:

//Get the download object by Universal Unique ID.
Download download = mDlManager.getDownloadByUUID(uuid);

//Kick off downloading. downloadBitrate is target bitrate to be download.
mDownloadManager.startDownload(uuid, downloadBitrate);

Next step: Watch the content.

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