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This page displays the network data. The default view shows a reporting period of one day, with sheets for Total Daily Distinct Devices, Average Time To Start Playout, Buffering Rate, Buffering Ratio, and a chart showing Buffering Ratio, Buffering Rate, and Time to Start over the selected time period.

QoE Networking.png

Drop-down filters

The top left of the page shows eight drop-down menus, allowing users to filter data by Content Type, Connection Type, Content Quality, Application, Corp, Node, Device Platform and Device Model respectively.



The top right of the page shows a Date drop-down menu, with preset time intervals for Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 14 days, and Last 30 days. Selecting one of these options then clicking Apply loads the data.

Users can also select Custom Range, which causes the From and To date fields to appear below, and allows users to specify any time interval (provided dates are not in the future). Users must then click Apply to load the data.

A Back button is also shown at the top right of this page. Clicking it returns the user to the Overview page.

Below the Date drop-down menu, the report shows the selected Reporting Period day count and specific dates chosen. 

Daily Distinct Devices

Below the top-left drop-down menus, the report shows a chart and count for Daily Distinct Devices based on the selected filters. The mouseover tooltip gives further information and definitions.

Average Time to Start Playout

This chart and QoE bar show the count of sessions reporting Good, Moderate, and Bad times to start playout based on the selected time interval and filters.

The average time to start playout (secs) based on the selected time interval and filters is shown at the bottom left and the percentage change in average time to start playout compared to the directly preceding time interval is shown with an up/down/neutral indicator at the bottom right.

Individual regions can be highlighted by single-clicking. The mouseover tooltips on the chart and bar give further information and definitions.

Buffering Rate

This chart and QoE bar show the count of sessions reporting Good, Moderate, and Bad buffering events based on the selected time interval and filters.

The average number of buffering events based on selected time interval and filters is shown at the bottom left and the percentage change compared to the directly preceding time interval is shown with an up/down/neutral indicator arrow at the bottom right.

Individual regions can be highlighted by single-clicking. The mouseover tooltips on the chart and bar give further information and definitions.

Buffering Ratio

This chart and QoE bar show the count of sessions reporting Good, Moderate, and Bad buffering ratios based on the selected time interval and filters.

The average buffering percentage based on the selected time interval and filters is shown at the bottom left and the percentage change compared to the directly preceding time interval is shown with an up/down/neutral indicator arrow at the bottom right.

Individual regions can be highlighted by single-clicking. The mouseover tooltips on the chart and bar give further information and definitions.

Playout Start Times

This chart shows the number of playback sessions whose average playout start times lie within each 500ms time interval, based on the selected date interval and filters.

The mouseover tooltip gives further information.


Average Buffering Ratio (%) Line Graph

This graph shows the average buffering ratio (%) over time based on the selected filters. Individual lines can be highlighted by single-clicking. A colour legend is shown at the bottom left below the graph.

A mouseover tooltip on each line gives further information and definitions.

Average Buffering Rate Line Graph

This graph shows the average buffering rate over time based on the selected filters. Individual lines can be highlighted by single-clicking. A colour legend is shown at the bottom left below the graph.

A mouseover tooltip on each line gives further information and definitions.

Average Time To Start (Sec) Line Graph

This graph shows the average time to start (sec) over time based on the selected filters. Individual lines can be highlighted by single-clicking. A colour legend is shown at the bottom left below the graph.

A mouseover tooltip on each line gives further information and definitions.

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