Quality of Experience
This page shows details of the QoE for a specific account. Users can either navigate to this page directly or by clicking the QoE button on the Account Details page.

The top right of the page shows an Account Search box and Date drop-down menu. If drilling down from the Account Details page, the Account Search box contains the selected Account ID. Otherwise, a valid Account ID must be entered before clicking the Apply button or return key to search.

The Date drop-down menu has preset time intervals for Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 14 days, and Last 30 days. Selecting one of these options then clicking Apply loads the data.

Users can also select Custom Range, which causes the From and To date fields to appear below, and allows users to specify any time interval (provided dates are not in the future). Users must then click Apply to load the data.

Clicking the left arrow icon button returns users to the Account Details page.

Below, the report shows the selected Reporting Period day count and specific dates chosen.

Overall QoE
Below Reporting Period, the report shows the Overall QoE bar based on the selected filters. The mouseover tooltip gives further information and definitions.

Overall Metrics
The report then shows a total of eight sheets for the overall metrics based on the selected filters. These are Daily Distinct Devices, Failed To Start Sessions, Average Bitrate, Average Bitrate Downgrades, Buffering Rate, Average TIme To Start Playout, Average Framedrops, and Buffering Ratio respectively. Daily Distinct Devices shows a line chart and count. Each other sheet contains a colour-coded QoE bar and colour-coded chart which shows the proportion of each metric classed as Good, Moderate, or Bad based on the selected filters. For all QoE bars and charts displayed, a mouseover tooltip gives further information and definitions similar to the Overall QoE bar described above.

The Average (%) tooltip on the Buffering Ratio sheet ignores any buffering ratios below 0 and greater than 1.
Error Percentage
Below these sheets, the report shows a tiled area chart for Error Percentage. The area of each tile corresponds to the percentage of each error code contributing to the total based on selected filters. A mouseover tooltip gives further information and definitions.

Single-clicking any area tile highlights the selected area and hides all others.

Top 10 Errors Vs Previous Period
This table ranks the percentage change in occurrences of each error when compared to the directly preceding time interval. The list is sorted by percentage change. A mouseover tooltip gives further information and definitions.

In some cases, ‘Undefined’ is shown instead of a percentage value. This indicates that no errors occurred during the directly preceding time interval, but errors did occur during the current time interval. Therefore, the percentage change in error occurrences cannot be calculated, since this implies division by zero.

Single-clicking any row highlights the selected row and hides all others.

Device Performance
This table ranks the devices by QoE score within the selected time interval. A QoE bar is shown, based on the count of sessions classed as Good, Moderate, Bad, or Unknown.

The mouseover tooltip gives further information and definitions when hovering over the QoE column.

Individual rows can be highlighted by single-clicking.
Users can navigate between table pages by clicking or dragging the Page slider at the bottom-right of the table.