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Starting the download

When the application starts a registered download, it is notified that the download has switched to the .downloading state. In the .downloading state, the downloader fetches media segments from the CDN sequentially from the first to the last. When all files of the provided assets have been successfully downloaded, the download state changes to .downloaded. An OTVPersistenceAsset in a .downloaded state would have a valid offlineURL String property.

Options can be passed into the downloader when calling startDownload(). The key-value pairs below may be useful:

  • OTVPrefetchLicense: Bool (license already prefetched)
  • AVAssetDownloadTaskMinimumRequiredMediaBitrateKey: Integer (set a minimum bitrate)
  • AVAssetDownloadTaskMinimumRequiredPresentationSizeKeyNSValue of CGSize (set a minimum resolution, only avilable on iOS 14 and above)

Example code

  • Persist license

var yourOptions = [OTVPrefetchLicense : true]
  • Select minimum bitrate for download

yourOptions[AVAssetDownloadTaskMinimumRequiredMediaBitrateKey] = 600000
  • Select minimm resolution for download

yourOptions[AVAssetDownloadTaskMinimumRequiredMediaBitrateKey] = NSValue(cgSize: CGSize(width: 1280, height:  720))

The following code example shows how to start the download with the yourOptions

func startDownloadAsset(url: URL, assetName: String) -> (Bool, String, OTVPersistenceAsset?) {
  // If download a stream encrypted using FPS, create an instance of OTVLicenseDelegate and set licenseDelegate when starting the download.
  // E.g. create an instance of OTVSSPLicenseDelegate with FairPlay certificate url and license url with SSP server, and set the stream token for download asset
  // If download a clear stream, set licenseDelegate with nil.
  let delegate = OTVSSPLicenseDelegate(certificateURL: certificateUrl, licenseURL: licenseUrl)
  delegate.setStream(token: streamToken, with url: url)
  if let asset = OTVPersistenceManager.sharedManager.startDownload(urlAsset: OTVAVURLAsset(url: url), title: assetName, licenseDelegate: delegate, artwork: nil, options: yourOptions) {
    return (true, "", asset)
  return (false, "download did not start", nil)

If required a download may be paused and resumed.

OTVPersistenceManager.sharedManager.pauseDownload(asset: OTVPersistenceAsset)


OTVPersistenceManager.sharedManager.resumeDownload(asset: OTVPersistenceAsset)

Next step: You can play the download

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