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Managing CDN token protection


OpenTV Video Platform supports content protection through the use of CDN tokens. It is integrated with NAGRA's Security Services Platform to allow CDN access to be revoked for a specific account or device.

This section explains how to enable this funstionality.


Enabling CDN token protection at the Platform level

There are two supported modes:

  • Enable CDN token for all content
  • Enable CDN token per content (channel or VOD content)

This is configured by NAGRA during system deployment or upgrade. To enable this feature, please contact your NAGRA representative.

Mapping CDN names to CDN IDs

CDN names must be mapped to the CDN IDs. This allows easily-readable names to be used in OpCon (for example), rather than the harder-to-read CDN IDs.

This is configured by NAGRA during system deployment or upgrade.

Enabling CDN token protection

To enable CDN token protection:

  1. For each technical content / technical channel for which CDN token protection is required:
    1. Specify whether a CDN token is required.
    2. Specify which CDN to use.

    You can do this:

    If you are only using a single CDN, you can use an XSLT transform to add the same CDN details to all technical channels and technical content before ingesting the XML files.

  2. In your client application, call URL Builder to get the playout URL and required tokens (rather than calling IAS). See Getting playout URL and tokens.

    Client content auth calls to IAS will still work, and content playout will still happen, but the additional benefits provided by SSP (revocation of CDN access) will not be available.

See also

Getting playout URL and tokens in the Client integration guide

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