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Creating, editing, and deleting templates

Templates are used to create and contain layouts in Rails Builder.

You can have multiple layouts in a template and switch the active layout by setting it as the default.

Creating a template

To create a template, in Rails Builder:

  1. In the Templates panel on the left, click plus.png.

  2. Click locale.png and select the locale for the template.

  3. Give the template and its initial layout names and titles. (This will create a template with one layout. You can add more layouts to the template if required – see Creating, editing and deleting layouts).

  4. If your deployment is a shared deployment, enter your tenant ID in Tenant ID.

  5. Optionally:

    1. Under Template:

      1. Use Additional Properties to add any additional properties that are required for the template.

      2. In Blueprint, select a blueprint to apply predefined values to the template.

    2. Under Layout:

      1. Under Destination Selection, leave All Devices selected.

      2. Under Default Rail Image Orientation, select the image orientation.

      3. Use Additional Properties to add any additional properties that are required for the layout.
        These enable you to apply additional formatting to templates per your organisation's requirements.
        Note: these key/value pairs are created by the operator and are not controlled by NAGRAVISION.

  6. Click Create Template >.

  7. In the confirmation dialog that is displayed, click Continue.

The template is displayed, showing the initial (blank) layout. You can now:

Creating child templates

You can drag one template under another using the 

 handle to build nested page structures. Alternatively, to create a child template:

  1. From the relevant template menu_black.png menu, select add_child_template.png Add Child Template.

  2. On the Create Template page, enter and select the required details as above.

  3. Click CREATE TEMPLATE > to save the template.

Viewing and editing template properties

To view a template's properties, on the Rails Builder page, select view.png View Template from the template menu_black.png menu.

To edit template properties:

  1. On the Rails Builder page, select edit.png Edit Template Properties from the template menu_black.png menu.

  2. On the Edit Template page, change the locale, Template Name, and Template Title as required.

  3. Click Save Template > to save the changes.

Only the template details can be edited here. Layout changes can only be made in the relevant layout. 

Deleting templates

To update template properties:

  1.  From the template menu_black.png menu, select bin_other.png Delete Template.

  2. A confirmation message is displayed; click Continue to delete the template.

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