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Rails use case examples

Examples of supported use cases

A client application can retrieve layout templates from the Content Delivery service. These responses provide the client with all the information it needs to lay out the on screen content as defined upfront by the designer(s) using the Rails Builderwithin OpCon.

The workflow is illustrated in the following diagram:

Each of these uses cases can deliver device-specific content by using the appropriate header information. 

  • Retrieve all templates with child template IDs
    This API returns a list of available scheduled templates for the requested device. The client will be able to retrieve all available templates that are in the current schedule. The response will return a list of templates along with a list of the child template IDs for each template. No rails information is returned. 

  • Retrieve all templates with all their child templates
    This API returns a list of available templates for the requested device. The client will be able to retrieve all available templates that are in the current schedule. The response will include a list of templates along with each one's child template. No rails information is returned.

  • Retrieve all or part of the rails and related content for a template
    This API returns all the rails of the requested template, and will retrieve the related data for each section of the rail from the specified locations, e.g., nodes, recommendation engines, etc.

  • Retrieve a specific rail and its contents
    This API retrieves the details of a particular rail and its contents.

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