Retrieve all templates with child template IDs
This API returns a list of available scheduled templates for the requested device. The client will be able to retrieve all available templates that are in the current schedule. The response will return a list of templates along with a list of the child template IDs for each template. No rails information is returned.
An example of a parent and child template might be where a template has been set up to cater for the whole Christmas period, but where a child template also exists to deliver content specifically on Christmas Day.
The template hierarchy is provided through the IDs of any child/parent templates.
An alternative API is available that provides the hierarchy as the full structure of related templates.
To retrieve all the available templates without their child templates, send a GET request to:
The operator should have created the templates and their layouts. They also need to schedule templates for the current time to be able to retrieve this list. If a template doesn’t have a scheduled layout for the current time, the API won’t be able to retrieve it.
Authorization: Bearer
– bearer tokenContent-Type: application/json
– the device type (e.g.,TV
– the locale (e.g.,en_GB
A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status. The response contains a list of templates and the number of templates.
An unsuccessful request returns an HTTP 500 status if there was a problem with the request.
A successful request returns a response like this:
"templates": [
"id": "123",
"name": "ChristmasTemplate",
"title": "Christmas",
"children": [
"properties": {
"prop1": "val1"
"id": "456",
"name": "ChristmasKidsTemplate",
"title": "Christmas Kids",
"parent": "123",
"children": [
"properties": {
"prop1": "valAbc",
"prop2": "valXyz"
"id": "789",
"name": "BoxingDayKidsTemplate",
"title": "Boxing Day Kids",
"parent": "456",
"children": []
"totalRecords": 3
See also
For full details of this API, see the Content Delivery API documentation.