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Getting the status of all PINs for the account


To get the status of all the PINs for the account, send a GET request to:


The client application uses this information to:

  • Enforce and inform the user of a PIN lock timeout.
  • Ensure that the user sets a PIN that is mandatory and that has not yet been set.


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorisation
  • nv-tenant-id

Mandatory arguments

The request authorisation token must be included as a header. This is the token that was returned to the client at sign-on.

Other arguments



A successful request returns an HTTP 200 status.

A bad request returns an HTTP 400 status.

An unauthorised request returns an HTTP 401 status.

A forbidden request returns an HTTP 403 status.

If the account does not exist, the request returns an HTTP 404 status.


A successful request returns a response like this. The array will contain one item for each defined PIN type.

  "totalRecords": 1,
  "resourceSet": [
      "pinType": "Parental",
      "status": "UNSET",
      "extendedStatus": "MANDATORY",
      "lockTimeRemaining": 20


  • pinType is the defined type for the PIN.

  • status is the PIN status. It can be one of:
    • UNSET – the PIN has not yet been set (this is the default value if the operator did not set the PIN when the account was provisioned).
    • SET – the PIN has been set.
    • LOCKED – the PIN is locked (because there have been too many unsuccessful entry attempts).
  • extendedStatus indicates whether the PIN is MANDATORY or OPTIONAL.

    A client application will normally "know" whether a PIN is mandatory or not.

    But if a new PIN type is added, this allows the client to find out whether it is mandatory or not.

  • lockTimeRemaining is the time remaining until the user can try entering the PIN again (in seconds).
    This is only relevant when the PIN status is LOCKED.

See also

For full details of this API, see the Account and Device Manager (ADM) API documentation .

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