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Fields for metrics reporting




The account ID of the current signed-in account 


Date and time in UTC that the event/action being logged occurred 


Unique advertisement reference, VAST tag


Name or unique ID of the advert supplier


Text name of the application reporting the metrics. This is used to easily identify the app in the database. Equivalent to tenant ID in the token.


Reference for the application. This could be an ID or text value. To be deprecated.


Unique ID to identify the current session of the application. Generated by the application upon start up and persisted until the next start up. The appSessionId is used to indicate a period of time wherein a user interacts with the app. Usually triggered by the opening of an app, a session records the length and frequency of app use to show developers, marketers, and product managers how much time users spend within an app. An app session ID should be generated / starts when a user opens an application and ends when they exit it.


Version number for the currently deployed application


Text value to indicate the bitrates available for the content being streamed, available from the player. Content available bitrates in bits per second (bps)


The average value of the bitrate stream, available from the player. Average selected bitrate in bits per second (bps) (sampled and averaged within the reporting period)


Bitrate selected for viewing (streaming) available from the player 


The current buffer duration in seconds at the time of reporting metrics, available from the player


Total number of bytes downloaded at the time of reporting the metrics, available from the player 


The date and time the event is logged as per the date and time set on the client device. (This may not be the same as the date and time set server side.) 


If the user has consented to targeted advertising, this value should be reported as true.


Indicates the type of content being consumed. See content_Type in Mandatory arguments above.


URI of the video stream, available from the player. This URI points to the master playlist.


Current content quality (SD, HD, 4K, 8K, Unknown)


One of the following:

  • IPTV – TV content is delivered over an IP network (not the open Internet)

  • OTT – TV content is deliver over-the-top (OTT), that is, via the Internet – DVB and more

  • Blend – a mixture of IPTV and OTT


Unique value assigned to the deep link being triggered. This will be found in the metadata supplied to the client. A deep link is a reference from some content to the same content in an external, third-party system. For example the same movie present in Netflix, Disney+, or Apple TV.


Unique value assigned to the deep link provider. This will be found in the metadata supplied to the client.


Relevant for Rails interactions, the depth of the item interacted with by the user, click, media card or playout. Vertical position


Unique device ID as provided by the platform to the client.


Value as defined in First time and n-th time sign on


Number of frames dropped from the video stream, available from the player 


Available in the metadata provided by the head end. editorialID should be:

  • Rails Builder CUs/search: simple ID

  • Rails Builder current event: editorial ID

  • EPG: contentRef


Unique code that relates to an error. This can be a standard code or client application specific.


The relevant error message related to the error


RAILS – the horizontal depth of the rail item being interacted with / reported on, starting at 0 and counted from the first item / leftmost item in the Rail incrementally 


Generic activity 


The position in seconds that the current action relates to in the current content being streamed in seconds. This should be in relation to the content being viewed in totality, i.e., if the user is watching the 20th minute of a show, the value reported should be 1200. If the user starts playout from a bookmark at the 10th minute then the value reported should be 600.


The position in seconds that the current action relates to in the current content being streamed in seconds. This should be in relation to the content being viewed in totality, i.e., if the user is watching the 20th minute of a show, the value reported should be 1200. If the user starts playout from a bookmark at the 10th minute then the value reported should be 600.


To be generated by the client application. A unique playback session ID, this session is specific to the playout of content. Each time the content being played is changed either via a selection triggered by the user or due to the channel playout content changing, a new session ID should be generated and used when reporting playout session actions. The session ID (UUID) corresponds to the current session. For non-linear content such as VOD, a playback session occurs between the start of playing of a video until it stops (or aborts or crashes) not interrupted by pauses or seeks.


Version number of the player being used/integrated into the client


The URL of the content being streamed, the video stream URL, URI pointing to the master playlist


If the user has consented to the policy shown on screen this value should be reported as true, if not then false.


If the user has indicated they have read the policy this value should be reported as true, if not, then false.


If the client has shown the policy on screen to the end user this value should be reported as true, if not, then false.


The type of policy shown/consented to, e.g., Data Retention


Identifier for a TV programme as provided by the platform in the metadata response (a live TV programme). It is shown on a specific service at a certain time. See /btv/programmes.


The unique ID of the Rail being interacted with or reported on, as supplied in the RAILS metadata response from the head end.


The video metrics SDK version installed on the client application 


Bitrate in bps that was selected after bitrate changed event


The series ID as supplied in the metadata from the head end


Broadcast source (DVB or OTT) for each channel, see Using metadata to select the broadcast source.


The current bit rate being consumed, supplied by the player


This unique ID is specific to the content stream provided to the client, supplied in the response to the client. The technical part of the content (Playback URI, Device Type, etc). Usually hidden from the end-user, describes to the device if it is allowed to play content and where to get it.


RAILS template ID that the client is rendering for the user to interact with, supplied in the response to the client 


Time taken from setUrl to rendering of the first frame on the screen


Total frame count, available from the player  


A unique ID for tracking, as generated by the client 


See Content_Type.


Unique ID to identify a specific user or user profile


RAILS – the vertical depth of the rail being interacted with / reported on starting at 0 and counted from the first/top rail incrementally 

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