Release notes for OpenTV Video Platform
Release summary
This release comes with a new functionality, User Profiles, which will allow the operators to create and manage different profiles for their subscribers. It also has several features that allow OPF3 integration with the Velocix platform for main use cases, as well as several enhancements around recommendations and improvements around RAILS to enrich user experience.
Device Entitlements API (devicePlayoutClass)
RMG provides a new API to get the entitlements based on the calling device and account without requiring specific filtering.
This is applicable when "devicePlayoutClass" functionality is used to describe products.
Enhance RAILS Hierarchy views to return properties
This feature enhances RAILS hierarchy views to return the template properties (and those of it's children).
Enhance RAILS skeleton response to include extended metadata
This feature to enhance the RAILS skeleton response to include all extended metadata. This should be similar to a true limit=0 response (i.e, the RAIL and all it's metadata, but no attempt to gather or resolve any content).
Support a NAGRA PRI/NPVR route to Velocix origin server recorder interface
This feature is to support an implementation of the NAGRA PRI interface to Velocix origin CMAPI interface.
Support STCU encoder type for Velocix origin
This feature is to support new Velocix origin recorder.
As part of the STCU integration, a specific encoder type is required in CPM to support the live format in use by Velocix.
EPG content delivery enhancement – multiple channels
This feature is to allow multiple channels to be specified in the /epg
timeslice API. Currently it supports either all channels or one channel:
This will provide an efficiency gain in the client, preventing the need to call the individual channel API multiple times.
Title resolution for template views
This feature is to fix an issue where the title for each rail is not the same as in the API that was previously used on the other releases.
Account Enhancements – User Profiles
This feature provides additional functionality to the initial User Profiles feature, supporting CRM Gateway API access and additional client-facing APIs to manage and remove User Profiles for an account.
Recommendations enhancement – content exclusions
This is a feature that covers the current gap in recommendation functionality, whereby content can be excluded from the recommendation process.
Recommendations enhancement – additional client control flags
This feature intends to push additional client control flags into Ncanto. This feature covers the possibility of converting all the metadata fields into core fields.
Regionalized DVB info
This feature is to add regional support for DVB info.
OpCon channel logo
This feature is for all operators. When using OpCon, they will now be able to manage channel images directly from the OpCon channel management screens. This includes:
Uploading new images
Deleting existing images
Setting preferred images
Gracenote ON API updates
This feature is to take care of some upgrades to the Gracenote ON API Schema. CIM-GO has been enhanced to comply with the latest schema changes.
Support from WFM/Elemental adapter to encode different types using a single encoding template of AWS MediaConvert
VOD encoding support from OPF3 for a single encoding template for different outputs as opposed to a different template for each output group in AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
DVB-C purge content
DVB-C content is provided pre-encoded and OPF3 simply copies this content to the relevant destination in the Edgeware NAS as part of the content preparation. The purpose of this feature is to provide a new OPF3 workflow adapter than can be used to purge content from the Edgeware NAS.
AWS Elemental MediaPackage integration with third-party CDN
The live-to-VOD assets or LTCU assets extracted/generated at AWS MediaPackage are directly served from origin/S3 bucket as of today. From this release, it will push/publish that asset to Lumen CDN and serve it from the CDN.
OpCon PIN reset
This feature adds the ability to reset PINs on a subscriber account via Operator Console.
D2G Full OPF3 service
Download to Go supports operator requirements for marking some Content to be downloadable to Client for offline playout. This is managed at the CMS Product and Content level and allows Content to be streamed and/or downloadable where applicable, with distinct settable ranges of validity for each case. Settings are managed by operator via a combination of
CMS Ingest of Product and Content
CMS API from a CRM
Visually via Nagra OpCon.
A simple default fallback duration is available where operators want all Content to have a common download duration without having to manage individual Product download settings.
Parental Ratings - Series / Season
Feature to enhance the series / season structure and support within CMS and MDS.
Support for parental ratings provides the ability to correctly include / exclude Series & Seasons
User Recordings - Parental Ratings
User Recordings is currently unable to support the multiple parental ratings format introduced in 2018/19
which manifests into two key issues:
Only a single parental rating value is provided, populated in both the recording ratings field and the editorial Rating field, and only when MDS is configured to present the value as a Rating field
Only a single rating precedence value is considered, populated in the ratingPrecedence.predecessor and ratingPrecedence.successor fields, again only when MDS is configured to present the value as a Rating field
This feature is for User Recordings to:
Handle MDS presenting parental ratings in a Rating field (backwards compatible mode)
Handle MDS presenting parental ratings in a Ratings field, and populate those ratings (as the value is an array)
User Recordings - Locale & Device Filter Enhancements
Feature to optimise the response size of the User Recordings APIs by allowing clients to filter by locale and device
Compatibility matrix
OPF | Q4 : 23.50.STD0 |
SSP 24Q1GA (24.10STD1) | |
DWH (24Q1 build) |
List of new issues
The following issues are newly opened in this OPF3_23.50STD0 release.
Issue Type | Key | Component/s | Summary |
Bug | OPF-6847 | Account and Device Manager (ADM) | Duplicate UPS data is getting created in Redshift after updating user profiles and deleted user profiles are also present |
Bug | OPF-5081 | Authorisation Facade | [SIT] The datatypes and values for some Auth facade API's are not matching as per the expected format |
Bug | OPF-6627 | Authorisation Facade | CDF feature has jumped in front of MDS and has started applying tokens more vigorously for internal calls |
Bug | OPF-6468 | Business Configuration Manager (BCM) | Unable to create a capability type with "_" like RTL_PLUS |
Bug | OPF-6895 | business-rules | CPM is not creating PL to CU nodes for Live channels inherited subscriptions. |
Bug | OPF-6976 | business-rules | CU URLs generated when STCU event flag is disabled. |
Bug | OPF-6179 | Cast Crew and Persona Service (CCP) | Cessation of Channels is not deleting CCP data and IMDS data |
Bug | OPF-6192 | Catchup Generation Service (CGS) | CGS dead letter queue no data on Grafana |
Bug | OPF-6805 | Catchup Generation Service (CGS) | CGS is in scaling mode while should not! |
Bug | OPF-6439 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Technical URLs are present in MDS even after deleting the asset due to CPM not exporting technicals without a playableAsset |
Bug | OPF-6926 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Adding parameter in "Non-locale Custom Fields" PrivateMetadata |
Bug | OPF-6503 | Content Discovery Facade | metadata/v1/epg with filter is not providing response based on age ratings when channel is specifically asked for |
Bug | OPF-6606 | Content Discovery Facade | When the type is programme, id is coming as editorial content id in search facade and media card epg response |
Bug | OPF-6764 | Content Discovery Facade | [PERF] CDF returns less channels than expected when limits= 10 |
Bug | OPF-6969 | Content Discovery Facade | [AntennaProd] critical API /metadata/v1/epg error 5XX ratio (> 25%): 29.435813573180702 |
Bug | OPF-6683 | Content Discovery Gateway (CDG) | tcp-* to "http-*" change is not enabled for the CDG module |
Bug | OPF-6650 | CRM gateway | [CRM-gateway] At 100% cpu after start the lab but solve restarting the component |
Bug | OPF-6031 | Identity Authentication Service (IAS) (IAS) | AccessToken does not carry "custom" billing-country-code |
Bug | OPF-6575 | Identity Authentication Service (IAS) (IAS) | IAS token caches maxAgeRating even parentalRating changed in the profile. |
Bug | OPF-6814 | Identity Authentication Service (IAS) (IAS) | [PERF] IAS tps increases gradually before getting stable even when constant load is pushed during the load test |
Bug | OPF-6392 | Image Metadata Server | Invalidation API does not invalidate the old images in CloudFront |
Bug | OPF-6985 | Locker to UserRecordings Facade | When we create a recording with quota reduction 10k error "returned 409" |
Bug | OPF-6740 | Metadata Server (MDS) | /ias/v2/isPPVAuthorised api is giving 500 internal server error |
Bug | OPF-5104 | Reverse Facade | Reverse Facade /v1/accounts/{accountId} should have KeyCloak Auth |
Bug | OPF-6423 | Search Facade | Search facade including rating filter even if no max age has been specified in the token |
Bug | OPF-6631 | Search Facade | Type of STCU content is "programme" in search Facade |
Bug | OPF-6971 | User Activity Vault (UAV) | [AntennaProd] serious API median response time too long serious(>1.5s): /useractivityvault : 5.62499999999999 |
Bug | OPF-5923 | User Recordings | [PERF] [Characterization] User-Recordings module respond with 503 when user are bigger than 30 |
Bug | OPF-6373 | User Recordings | Rating object not visible on CDVR APIs |
Bug | OPF-6925 | User Recordings | GET recordings fail after scheduling recordings (sequence in ticket) |
Bug | OPF-6944 | User Recordings | com.nagra.multiscreen.cdvr.epg Queue Issue |
Bug | OPF-6946 | User Recordings | Series recording failed when recording event is out of buffer in UNRESTRICTED MODE and ALL Episode option |
Bug | OPF-6986 | User Recordings | Scheduling series recording in case more than one future episode is available in EPG doesn't work |
Bug | OPF-6772 | Velocix-RMS | Migrated recordings with Scheduled status on Conversion to recorded state recording URI is null |
List of known issues
The following issues are still open (not resolved) in this OPF3_23.50STD0 release.
Issue Type | Key | Component/s | Summary |
Bug | OPF-6077 | Account and Device Manager (ADM) | Devices duplicates for the same account |
Bug | OPF-6078 | Account and Device Manager (ADM) | Device couldn't login after delete the device from Opconsole |
Bug | OPF-6983 | Account and Device Manager (ADM) | ADM fails to return device information if playoutDeviceClass field is present in the device |
Bug | OPF-3280 | API Gateway (AGW) | Incorrect response in gdpr while the bookmark and Favorite is added to user |
Bug | OPF-6562 | Authentication Gateway Service | Huge percentage of DAS TVKey failures in production |
Bug | OPF-6817 | Authentication Gateway Service | AGS sending wrong values to PcmlService |
Bug | OPF-5096 | Business Configuration Manager (BCM) | Opcon stuck due to BCM |
Bug | OPF-6737 | Configuration | OpCon not displaying images for BTV events |
Bug | OPF-3532 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Order of Nodes has changed in Opcon |
Bug | OPF-5379 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Disappearing ProductLinks causing MDS content to become unavailable. |
Bug | OPF-6963 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | CPM did not assign product to the asset when Product link to the grand-parent node |
Bug | OPF-6506 | Content Builder | Incorrect Template Name shown in RAILS Builder |
Bug | OPF-6357 | Content Discovery Gateway (CDG) | PROBLEM Service Alert - Opsgenie Alert: critical Total contentdiscovery_recommendations API Error 5XX (> 15%): 24.218749999999996%‰ |
Bug | OPF-6379 | Content Workflow Manager (CWM) | LTCU migrated contents don't have purge job |
Bug | OPF-6472 | Content Workflow Manager (CWM) | High response time in CWM |
Bug | OPF-6533 | Content Workflow Manager (CWM) | Following a cron kubectl restart |
Bug | OPF-6945 | Content Workflow Manager (CWM) | Publishing job fails in 1st execution and it is completed after a retry |
Bug | OPF-5298 | CRM gateway | Adding filter to the crm-gateway API generates internal error |
Bug | OPF-6326 | CRM gateway | serious API 90th percentile over (>1s): crm-gw-smsservice |
Bug | OPF-6558 | CRM gateway | serious API 90th percentile response time over (>1s): soap-proxy_api : 2.0180952380952384 |
Bug | OPF-4664 | ES Aggregator | Dead letter queue increasing and not being consumed |
Bug | OPF-6638 | ES Aggregator | opui does not show Capture Jobs in workflow |
Bug | OPF-5933 | Identity Authentication Service (IAS) (IAS) | "errorcode" is missing in error message response when number of devices exceed quota[signIn]. |
Bug | OPF-6908 | Identity Authentication Service (IAS) (IAS) | ~33% of signonByCASN failing with 403 |
Bug | OPF-6785 | Image Metadata Server | Images are not loading in OPCON |
Bug | OPF-5102 | Locker to UserRecordings Facade | Error codes returned by OPF3 lkr2ur are different from the ones returned by ML2 locker |
Bug | OPF-6995 | Locker to UserRecordings Facade | GET Recordings with filters not working |
Bug | OPF-4091 | Metadata Server (MDS) | NodeRefs are not removed in solr search |
Bug | OPF-6607 | Metadata Server (MDS) | [Sports] Not support of geofiltering conditions on live and replay |
Bug | OPF-4674 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Various issues with products (OPF / SSP / Operator Console) |
Bug | OPF-6539 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Content search doubts from customer |
Bug | OPF-6807 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Only default images are showing for channel and Vod content in OpConsole |
Bug | OPF-6820 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Failure to Reflect Channel Number Changes in Product View |
Bug | OPF-6940 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Node search not work properly |
Bug | OPF-6988 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Quick Edit Error in OpConsole |
Bug | OPF-6919 | Queue Extractor | queue.extractor.client.event queue not consuming as fast as expected. |
Bug | OPF-4105 | RightsManager (RMG) | Entitlements aren't archived when linked account is archived. |
Bug | OPF-5067 | Search Aggregation | Opcon Doesn't show Product linked to a Editorial Content in Editorial Content View |
Bug | OPF-6746 | Search Facade | Search Facade results are not populating always and showing "No results" |
Bug | OPF-5931 | User Recordings | Too many errors related to unique cancelled account and unique event id |
Bug | OPF-6896 | User Recordings | serious API 90th percentile over (>1s): cdvr : 1.2393382352941198 |
Bug | OPF-6942 | WFM Ericsson VSPP Adapter | PackageGeneration without encryption is not working |
List of resolved issues
The following issues are resolved as part of the OPF3 (23.50 STD0) release.
Issue Type | Key | Component/s | Summary |
Bug | OPF-6213 | Account and Device Manager (ADM) | ADM 404 response "Tenant not found" |
Bug | OPF-4682 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | CPM Update notifications not reaching MDS |
Bug | OPF-5877 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Creating a duplicate Product reports that a duplicate Node exists |
Bug | OPF-6328 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Ingestion failing for some xml files |
Bug | OPF-6432 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Purge is not delete expired EC when its tied to valid trailer |
Bug | OPF-6525 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | Time out errors whilst ingest VOD chunked files to cim-nis |
Bug | OPF-6618 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | BTV solr update failing |
Bug | OPF-6645 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | VOD cex-nes delta export takes a long time |
Bug | OPF-6652 | Content and Product Manager (CPM) | updates to VOD content in OpConsole is not exported in delta VOD export |
Bug | OPF-5469 | Content Builder | Default value for contentbuilder_recommendations_host is not correct |
Bug | OPF-5761 | Content Builder | Channel Name not returned with Template |
Bug | OPF-6335 | Content Discovery Facade | Next event not delivered when "deviceType" is in the URL |
Improvement | OPF-5518 | Content Export Module Nagravision Export Specification� (CEX-NES) | CEX - Export Notification Improvements |
Bug | OPF-6178 | Content Export Module Nagravision Export Specification� (CEX-NES) | statusPerExportSet not getting set on nodes during delta exports |
Bug | OPF-6579 | Content Export Module Nagravision Export Specification� (CEX-NES) | missing CUST_ in btv |
Bug | OPF-6489 | Content Import Module Nagravision Import Specification� (CIM-NIS) | CIM-NIS not closing sshd connections |
Bug | OPF-6610 | Content Import Module Nagravision Import Specification� (CIM-NIS) | CIM-NIS to check locale list with BCM during ingestion if the list is empty (possibly due to failure to read during startup) |
Bug | OPF-6617 | Content Import Module Nagravision Import Specification� (CIM-NIS) | VOD device types not exported to MDS |
Bug | OPF-6673 | Content Import Module Nagravision Import Specification� (CIM-NIS) | cex not exporting profile and profileRef for VOD |
Bug | OPF-6775 | Content Import Module Nagravision Import Specification� (CIM-NIS) | BTV chunking for channel "Junior test" generates XML file that fails cim-nis ingest |
Bug | OPF-6340 | Locker to UserRecordings Facade | [PERF]Not able to get the recordings through Locker facade API |
Bug | OPF-6131 | Metadata Aggregator Service (MAS) | MAS returns a mass of information for roles when it should only return a handful. |
Bug | OPF-6265 | Metadata Server (MDS) | Search stcu content does not apply rating mappings |
Bug | OPF-6252 | Operator UI (OPUI) | OPUI error when the episode number is not integer value |
Bug | OPF-6703 | Operator UI (OPUI) | Unable to Modify Specific Events in OpConsole Post-OPF Upgrade |
Bug | OPF-6629 | Reverse Facade | Unable to create recording through LKR Facade API with reverse facade component |
Bug | OPF-6032 | Search Aggregation | Changing the contentRef of an event does not delete the previous contentRef |
Bug | OPF-6258 | Search Aggregation | The SAS API for channels events and contents is not giving the StorageAllowed flag |
Bug | OPF-6519 | Search Facade | Searchfacade responses always getting for geo filter restricte event |
Deprecated APIs
Component | API | Description | Deprecated in release | Supported until |
| Replaced by User Profile Service APIs | 2023.Q4 | 2024 Q4 |